
Little Scraps

Friday, March 13, 2015
Hello - the most adorable little flowers! Sorry about my utter lack of posting for the past couple of weeks, I've been a lot busier and sleepier lately after my return to school. All of the snow has melted away, and with the beginning of March and the Spring forward, things have been turning a bit warmer where I live. It was actually...



seeing red // henna tutorial & red hair care

Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Hello everybody - Long time, no see! Today was yet another school day canceled because of the snow, so I've decided to do a hair-related post. Although red hair runs in my family (see my twin brother) and I've always been a bit strawberry-blonde, I've only really been a redhead for about a year and a half. I was born with dark brown...


daily outfits

snow angel

Thursday, February 19, 2015
Hello folks! I'm super excited to finally write my first blog post for Laughing In Flowers - I've been waiting for what seems like ages for an opportunity/some free time to shoot some pictures and write a blog post. Since I've been out of school for the past four days because of the snow, I've finally gotten around to having a successful winter photo shoot and making my...


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